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H O W   Y O U   C A N   G I V E 

Your residency contribution will go directly to my family. I am the only son and support my parents, sisters and nieces. My father and I are the only ones who earn paychecks - I with my small teaching salary and my father with sporadic house painting work. What seems like nothing to you goes a long way for us. Tipping is greatly appreciated!


P A C K   A N   E X T R A    S U I T C A S E

There are 600 families in my village. I am related to most of them. Families range from living simply and comfortably. Widows and families without sons may struggle more than others. 


While there are stores in bigger cities, some things are just not available here and very difficult to ship. Books in English, musical instruments like small drums and tambourines, eco laundry detergent (only Tide is available here in the village). Food seeds. Old cell phones. Used tablets will be used in schools. Mini-recorders have been used by our elders since the cassette tape, as our language has been passed down orally. 


Again, we are working to push plastics back out of the village. Please keep this in mind when gifting. 


If you have no plans to visit Morocco anytime soon, there are ways you can support from where you are. Please send a note and we can talk. 

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