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E L E C T R I C I T Y 


In 1995 the village agreed to install electricity in the streets and in some homes. We are looking to reverse this dependency on this outside service with solar panels. Our family home has an average of one light source per room with 1 - 2 electrical sockets. The kitchen has outlets for blenders. Extensions chords and power strips to charge laptops and cell phones are available. *Bring your European adapter.

L A U N D R Y 

There is a small washing machine available for your use. We line dry. 

I N T E R N E T - P H O N E

Sim cards can be purchased in town or in the village at the little corner stores. Hot spots can route from the sim card in your phone to lap tops and tablets.


There are 3 simple bathrooms on the grounds each with a sink, stand up shower and traditional squat toilet. There are 2 seat toilets for use as well as toilet paper. We can provide 1 towel per person. Please try to bring biodegradable soaps.


Recording artists will be happy to find that the acoustics in the Hamman are brilliant. It is also available for scrubs and soaks. 


H O S P I T A L  / P H A R M A C Y

The closest hospital is only 5.5 miles away. Please remember to bring all needed medicine and feminine products with you. Guest sometimes experience diarrhea the 3rd - 7th day of being here. Sorry we cannot accommodate wheelchairs or handicapped guests. 

W H A T   Y O U   W O N ' T   F I N D  H E R E 

There are no bars, no sit down restaurants, no shopping boutiques, and no large markets. There are no ATMS here! No English speakers. You will be the only foreigners. There are no vacation rentals, pharmacies or libraries. Guns, alcohol and drugs are not used by my people. You will be able to roam freely on the dirt roads and into the fields as the children and donkeys do. My people are peaceful and have entirely different values and lifestyles than our Arab compatriots. During your stay here you are protected, valued and welcomed as a guest amongst hospitable and accepting native tribe. 


P A C K  I N, P A C K  O U T 

We have no garbage collection. Traditionally rubbish has been buried on the outskirts of the village, which worked until plastic goods were introduced. While new world goods are convenient, families don’t understand that a diaper won’t break down. While we work to remedy this, please be aware that whatever you bring or purchase here cannot be hauled to the dump. 

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