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A M A Z I G H   L A N G U A G E   I N   Y O U R   A R T

On weekends myself and my colleague, Hussein, are available for translation sessions. These are offered for free and with great pleasure. We will help you incorporate Amazigh symbols, artifacts, patterns, poetics and textile in your work. By working side by side with international artists we can also perpetuate our ancient language and culture. By doing so we can bridge the gaps between East and West for a more fruitful and enriching exchange. 

M A K I N G   A R T  H E R E

There are dozens of carpets, mats, blankets and pillows that can be placed throughout the grounds to create your own custom artist work space. You can work in your room or in the courtyards. There is one six person table to sit at and a few smaller ones. Please bring Earth friendly materials to work with. 

R H Y T H M  O F  T H E  V I L L A G E 

Mornings are quiet. You may hear birds or a donkey but no traffic. There isn’t any here.  Our people eat breakfast around 8. Lunch at 1. Tea time snack around 6 with visitations and street greetings. Dinner is around 10. If you’d like your tajine during visiting hours please specify on the sheet. 

D R E S S 

In the village there is no where to be and no one to dress for. We often wear the same djellaba everyday with a second one to wear while the other one is line drying. It’s a wonderful way to physically slip into the culture. You will feel cool and relaxed.  You will want a hat and sunglasses for warm season. A hoodie on chilly nights is helpful. One pair of slip on sandals will do. Any second hand clothing that you pack and leave behind will be greatly appreciated by the village. 


We are lucky to have some of the most pleasant weather in the world. No humidity, rain storms, hurricanes or ice with temperatures averaging 72 degrees all year long. We don’t recommend visits in August as the temperatures can reach up to 100 and there is no AC. In the winter months, temperatures may get down to 50 degrees at night with the only heat source being extra wool blankets. Please consider seasons and your own personal comfort zone before coming to our artist residency.  

Neighbor of Life  - Ali Sidki Azaykou

(Morocco) Trans. El Habib Louai

I am a neighbor of life

It never spared me a thing

It took me and buried me in blood

Of people alive I drank a little from it

But life still embraces my heart I desire,

but I have nothing

My hand is far from Venus I fight myself

But cannot control it I am the shadow of life

A bramble in flames

Voilà! Art prepossesses me. The shackles erode

& even if I weave new ones I weave them of silk

you who accept to succumb Beware of torture!

You will never find Someone to quench your thirst

I am the wanderer I never complain

My laughter is futile & It does not preserve the roots

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